Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo Restoration_Cynthia Downey

This is an old picture of my dad I found, I thought it would make the project a little more interesting if you knew who it was in the photo, so I decided on this. Mainly I used the spot healing brush tool and the healing brush tool to get rid of the scratch marks in the photograph. Then I played with the vibrance, hue/saturation, and color balance. I was trying to bump up the contrast and get rid of the yellowish color, but I still wanted that dirty old look to it. The main problem I had was with the reddish blob behind and overlapping his head, I did what I could but it still looks a little blurbish to me. I'm mainly satisfied with getting rid of the scratches, the color was extremely annoying and i'm still not satisfied with it.

♥ Cindy


  1. I would like to say that this is a masterpiece of glorious proportions... my eyes can only withstand a couple seconds of viewing it before the holy light from this picture burns my retinas with amazement

  2. Needs more tie die, but it's not bad.

  3. well your the 4 afterall. maybe one day i can get like you ♥

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  6. He reminds me of Popeye... with a beard.

  7. I'm gonna dream about this later. Just you wait and see.
