Monday, August 31, 2009

Kyle Kortvely and I (Brittany Howard) decided to make a tutorial about removing blemishes with the Healing brush and Spot Healing brush tools because we enjoyed our last project.

Here is a link to our tutorial.

We made a lot of concepts for this tutorial, about four. We wanted to put more of a design element on it, but since it was only made for the blog, we felt a bit more constricted.  We made the tutorial very easy to follow along, humorous and cheery. We decided to use more than five images because we wanted to make someone who wasn't very familiar with photoshop could easily follow along.

For our process we wrote down everything we wanted to include in the tutorial by actually doing the steps as we went along, pretending we were the user.

After that, we made the screen shots, and also added some personal notes on the images. So that the person would still find the tutorial fun and helpful.

Finally we just placed the images and text together on the blog, edited the HTML a bit so the tutorial would post, and that was that.

Brittany wrote the tutorial, and Kyle did the screenshots, and photoshop editing. We both decided how best to place the images and text together.

-Brittany Howard and Kyle Kortvely


  1. nice work! I always getting the healing and clone stamp confused this will definitely help me.
